new semester woes
A new semester has long since begun...and it seems like a herculean task to understand and study the various texts...i am at sea regarding what is being taught and which texts are to be followed....last semester i knew i was terrible at Indian Literature but i knew i was good at World literature which would help me scrape through....but this semester i am at a loss because i know i am not good at anything....we have 3 honours papers and yet i don't know who is teaching us what...i am petrified of ICY mam[yup that's how i refer to IC mam] so i try hard to pay attention and moreover i try my best to hang onto everything she says..her classes are really interesting....Subha Di is good but her teachings go tangent above my head...i like Debashree dis class....RC mam seems to have gone,never to return again...Protabh babu..erm well...i haven't really attended his classes yet...and Sujit da...well my fault i cant understand even if he teaches oh so the word is that,i am dumb and getting dumber by each semester....
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